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Name: l3lessed

Tuesday, April 27, 2004

(A soft comforting laughter fades away)

My eyes are open, my vision so clear. There’s so much pain and suffering, so many who are ignorantly in bliss. There all just mice running through a daily maze, to blind to see any difference.

I must make things change,
Must help end all this endless pain.

shine a light on this dark place, Make things visible and understandable. Help ease peoples pain, help them escape from there daily maze. Show them there’s so much more; show them there truly not poor.

I finally can see,
How it make so much sense.
Never have a real judgment,
And always have your atonement.

I must make things change,
Must help end all this endless pain.

One day things will be better,
This void filled,
And my soul settled.

I must just keep trying until people stop lying about this life.
(Soft breathing in the background)

Heres my latest piece I have put together. I am almost done with my project got just a little ways to go, I will release it once I have finished it and put everything together how I want it.

Recommended Viewing
Movie/Music Video: "The Wall"

Recommended Listening
Album: "Salival" By Tool
Song: "Third Eye"

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