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Name: l3lessed

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Drifting on a tattered and worn out dream,
A heart slips into the sea of faces.
With an accepting smile and a stream
Of tears, he falls through the sky with his grace
The endless eyes watching from the blur of life,
Slipping through clouds and rays of light, splash-
ing into the concrete stream, eyes open wide.
Slowly floating down as the currents pass,
Resting in the deep depths, a rusted heart.
Souls come and gone, forgot what beauty they
Saw. He admires, never to depart.
The pain of watching souls pass everyday
Suffocates, but he thinks and finds relief,
“What is beauty if never truly seen?”

Hope you guys like this one.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Clawing for more from the rage of deceit
A lost generation disfranchised
by corporatism and empty lies.
Fragments of lives shattered in hollow streets
of suburbia America scream-
ing from these endless artificial ties,
“Is there something truly more to our lives,
Are we all just actors in this sad scene?”

With the first clinched fist thrown, so it began,
Bodies flooding on to the sidewalk shores
Pick axes and hammers waving in hand.

The voices echoing through time, “We aren’t our
Pants or shirts. We aren’t Starbucks, Coke, or Coors.
We’re more than what society imparts.”

This is an italian sonnet I did. I really enjoyed putting this one together, and I hope you understand what I'm trying to convey.

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