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Name: l3lessed

Sunday, October 02, 2005

"Reaching Moments"
The universe drips off my mind and all I know comes unsowed.
What's a moment of time but endless ways to die?
Every facet of life and meaning comes reaching from everything I see.

Feel that were all intertwined, tugs at me and all my being.
Don’t even try and fight, pulls me in every time
Discover the true lie, fates a made up game for those who want an escape.

Feel it creeping through my veins, the moment finally descends
Break free of all my chains which I despise and hate.
I’ll finally wake to a point of no return without a shred of concern

Finally beat mortality, be gone with all that’s wrong
My conscience slowly bends revealing a new vision.
Abolish the endless twisted perceptions and made deceptions.

The true point deluded to a weak truth by those who want to use you,

In terriost attacks, putting you in income brackets and collecting taxes, corporate distribution to the masses, passing the patriot act, Electing republicans and democrats, political plans and making a tool out of man.

So much more, reach out to a brand new existence and finally transcend.
Feel the vibration of the minute strings
Find the conceptualization of our salvation
Feel it reaching out from every doubt about this creation.

I have been working on this poem for a while and finally finished. I was pleased how it came out. I hope you enjoy it.

Well done!
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Well done!
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Great work!
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